Friday, January 27, 2012

Homework From Week #2

We made it through our second week, class! I was really excited to hear how you all made connections in the freewriting exercises - and I hope that you discered the ability to make connections when you allow your words to take over and don't overthink the process. It's a great way to prewrite and get ideas and words flowing!

Next class will be focusing on paragraphs - particularly how to build a solid paragraph that includes detail and support without going off topic. A lot of times, deciding what should be in a paragraph and what can be left out can be incredibly challenging!

Your blog posts for this week are as follows:
Be sure to read chapters 3-4 first!

Due on Tuesday (previously the Monday posting):
Paragraph option 5, page 43. You'll have to choose a quotation from the quote bank on pages 608-611. Once you have your quote, start off by doing a five minute prewrite, typed, on your blog. Let your words flow fast and furious - and DON'T worry about going back and editing. This is the time when it's okay to have "bad writing." No one will judge spelling or grammar or cohesion - Just WRITE!
When your five minutes are up, go back over what you've written. Don't edit it, but read and find something that you'd like to develop more fully. Allow a couple of blank lines, then write a paragraph focusing on what you've chosen.

Due on Friday, before class (previously the Wednesday posting):
Again, page 43 - this time, paragraph option 2. Follow the instructions at the bottom page 42.

I mentioned at the end of today's class that I want you to re-read your entries before class. Please make sure that you do. I'd like to start next week's class with a discussion of how we build paragraphs - and remembering how build these paragraphs will help in that conversation.

Until next week, I hope you all stay well and I look forward to reading your posts!


  1. Prof.Olean.i changed my url address.The new one is name..jennyjen

    1. Prof. Olean, i am not sure if i did this correctly, but this is my url

  2. Topic:My idealjob would be would a registered nurse The question i dreaded the most as a child was when i was asked what i would like to be when i grow up.I Always say the first thing that came to mind.I wanted to be a doctor,a lawyer,a teacher,a nurse,anything that would have them tell me they were proud of me.I decided recently ,what i would love to do more than anything else was to become a registered nurse.I`ve been a certified nurses aid for four years...a job i enjoy doing.The satisfaction that comes from a client telling me how much they appreciate my work was the main reason why i wanted to to pursue a career in nursing.alot of is required to become a registerd nurse.I believe the main qualification is having a compassionate heart.The starting rate at the hospital for a registered nurse is sixty thousand.Once i achieve my degree in nursing i wish to continuing to taking care of the elderly.
